Some Native American tribes referred to October’s Moon as the Full Hunter’s Moon as it was the time to go hunting in preparation for winter. This full Moon is also called the “Travel Moon” and the “Dying Grass Moon.”
This is the first Full Moon following September’s Harvest Moon. It rises just after sunset and sets around sunrise, so this is the only night in the month when the Moon is in the sky all night long.
Each month, we will explain the traditional names of the full Moon along with some fascinating Moon facts. In this video, learn about the Full Hunter’s Moon. Click below to watch the video.
The Moon passes above Venus on October 3, to the right of Saturn on the 5th, and above Mars on the 7th and 8th.
Corn planted under a waning Moon grows slower but yields larger ears.
Babies born a day after the full Moon enjoy success and endurance.
A new Moon in your dreams promises increased wealth or a happy marriage.