This is a most excellent playlist of PRIMO 50s & 60s tunes. This list of songs (videos) include: *The Dave Brubeck Quartet’s “TAKE FIVE” (1961,) **Santo & Johnny’s “SLEEP WALK” (1959,) ***Link Wray’s “RUMBLE” (The YouTube video is from 1978 – the song was a hit in 1958,) ****Booker T & The MGS’ “GREEN ONIONS” (1966.) Interestingly, the TOP FOUR in this current, partial list of my ALL-TIME-FAVORITES are all instumentals.
*Jazz masterpiece from the Dean of Progressive Jazz. “Possibly the best instrumental of modern times, hypnotic with it’s 5/4 time.”
**Arguably the first “mystical” Rock n’ Roll record. “The Steel-guitar notes seem to connect to one’s nerve endings, and when the strings bend, you bend.”
***Link Wray’s guitar chords cut through the air like a chainsaw. “RUMBLE” was one of the first Rock songs with a serious attitude. This is one of the deep roots of electric guitar music.
****Booker T & The MGS’ (1966) “GREEN ONIONS” features a guitar solo that stabs more like an electric knife (see Link Wray, above.)
These comments are addressed to the young dudes & dudettes who might not have heard these tunes…
Anyway, these four tunes and twenty others can be accessed below, click the menu for the complete list.
This Playlist is limited to very early (50s & 60s tunes;) it is not necessarily unchangeable.
I’ll add to this post when I have more time.
Hit the 2nd button from bottom left to excite the menu, if it is not available…
The following link will take you to the [Full-size] Video Player on YouTube, if you would prefer to view the videos there; you’ll also be able to access more LVBC favorites/videos:
This playlist is copyrighted (c.) by [WilliamC1-YouTube Channel] & [The LasVegasBuffetClub.]