Moonlight Mansion , from Atronics International, is a new HI RES slot with clean, interesting graphics, a great premise and very interesting and profitable (potentially monster) bonus rounds…I found it at the tiny WILDFIRE CASINO on Rancho Drive…Play up to 21 lines at: $.01, .02, .03, .05 and .10 – up to $2.10 max. bet…Cat-eyes, full moons, bats, several ghosts, candlesticks, spiders and the Moonlight Mansions are on the reels. Three Moolight Mansion symbols trigger the bonus where you choose between four rooms. Each room has a number of hiding places where the loot is stashed. Depending on your choices, the bonus can go on for several minutes. Again the graphics here are superlative. If you like a bit more substance to a slot, this may be for you; it definitely is for me…This machine has buttons on either side that control the vertical motion of the playing board; it slides up and down to adjust to your height…
May 1, 2007…Did I MAKE A HASTY JUDGEMENT? I’ve played this machine several times now and it seems to be very tight…
I also found MOONLIGHT MANSION, as well as other Atronic machines at Texas Hotel and Casino…
“The ATRONIC Group of companies is a leading global provider of casino gaming equipment and services. Comprised of the sister companies ATRONIC INTERNATIONAL, ATRONIC AMERICAS and ATRONIC SYSTEMS, the company is dedicated” read more…
IGT has a winner with the USED CARS slot…Hit the bonus and be treated to the best audio of a Las Vegas slot: the song LOW RIDER by WAR plays during the main bonus round…A Zoot-suited, jive-talking, Hispanic, Used Car salesman talks to you throughout the game, which by the way is bi-lingual…While you’re playing this East LA gem, sound files of tasty music bites tease you until you hit the bonus that brings up the Low Rider tune, then it’s full on…Just kick back and listen to the entire song, then play the round or play as you listen to War do it’s thing…Remember, test the machine you play since most all casino slots play audio at different levels…