This subject has been in the news lately so I thought I should repost it.
This post was first published on October 07, 2007 at 12:00 and republished June 9, 2008 at 3:00 and May 15, 2013 at 1:00 am. And Published again November, 18th 2016

NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: It’s been a half-dozen years since the first publication, a number of links have been updated, some were dead. Please send comment if you find links that don’t work.
In the late 90s a buddy and I went to an exhibition at a Las Vegas Public Library. It was The Una Storia Segreta exhibit. Una Storia Segreta (the words in Italian mean both “a secret story” and “a secret history.”) The secret story is about the treatment of Italians and/or Italian-Americans in the United States just preceding and during the Second World War. You are probably aware that persons of Japanese ancestry were placed in American internment camps, but might be surprised to find that many Italians, and Germans in the US were also interned. The Italians and Germans as well as individuals from other ethnic groups were considered “Enemy Aliens.”
The government’s actions – in the 90s – (read on) shows that cooler heads can eventually prevail.
The reason for this post is to shine that light… Continue reading