All Hail Columbus Day, 2013
by David Yeagley · October 13, 2013
Reposted from David Yeagley’s BAD EAGLE website
David Yeagley is the great-great-grandson of Comanche leader Bad Eagle.
Of course, the liberal tradition capitalizes on condemnation and lamentation, therefore, Columbus is a major target. The entire “plight” of the Western Hemisphere is romantically (and immaturely) blamed on the adventures of Cristóbal Colón (1451-1506).
But let’s examine a few major points of interest regarding the man and his times.
1. Columbus never met an American Indian. The Taino and Carib Indians (of the islands Columbus landed on) were Arawak, from Venezuela. American Indian protest is a bit misguided, therefore. After all, it is not Arawak, Aztec, or Eskimo who are named in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. It is the American Indian. None other.
Yes, Columbus misnamed the people he encountered. Having never traveled east, to the Orient, he had not accurate idea of the what the Hindu people looked like. He initially assumed he has landed on India’s shores.
Of course he wasn’t the first non-American Indian person to land in the American continent. Everyone’s claiming that status these days, like the Chinese, the Africans, the Muslims, etc. (Never mind the Vikings, or even the Irish!) It is a circus of historical theory at this point. What Columbus did was map out a route that could be re-traveled by others, (at least Europeans). For that, he is indeed responsible.
2. As in the case of many great men, men of galactic vision, Columbus was imprisoned by his own government. In October of 1500, nearly eight years to the day since is first Western landing, Columbus, already in chains at the end of this Third Voyage, was jailed in the southwestern Spanish port of Cádiz. He was mocked, and considered, by his own government, a tyrannist in the New World.
His physical sufferings during the Second Voyage, including everything from dysentery to gout and Reiter’s syndrome, to occasional blindness. He lay bed-fast for months, during times which should have been triumphant for him.
The natural discouragement of illness and physical misery, plus the heaven-daring irony which Castile seemed determine to inflict upon it’s greatest hero, must have been nigh unbearable. Only a giant of a man could endure such conflict, personal and physical. – Read more from the Bad Eagle Website:
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