Tag Archives: eclipse

There will be another Full Moon on October 8, 2014: The Full Hunter’s Moon

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Blood Moon
Blood Moon

There will be another Full Moon, October 8, 2014 at 3:50 A.M. Las Vegas time.

From The Old Farmer’s Almanac
“In 2014, the Full Moon falls on October 8—and there is a total lunar eclipse.”

“The eclipse will be fully visible from Western North America (and Alaska and Hawaii), but observers in Eastern North America will only be able to see part of the eclipse before the Moon sets below the horizon. See more details on our Eclipse page.”

“Some Native American tribes referred to this Moon as the Full Hunter’s Moon, as it was the time to go hunting in preparation for winter. This full Moon is also called the Travel Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.”

“This is the first Full Moon following the Harvest Moon last month. It rises around sunset and sets around sunrise, the only night in the month when the Moon is in the sky all night long.”

Full Hunter’s Moon Video from Old Farmer’s Almanac

Video from Science.Nasa.Gov
Blood Red Moon

Old Farmer’s Almanac Official Website
LasVegasBuffetClub.Com Official Website

Everything you need to know about the May 20, 2012 Eclipse

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Eclipse - UniverseToday.Com
Eclipse - UniverseToday.Com

Play this video as you browse the story, would be my suggestion…


Annular Solar Eclipse of May 20

The first solar eclipse of 2012 occurs at the Moon’s descending node in central Taurus. An annular eclipse will be visible from a 240 to 300 kilometre-wide track that traverses eastern Asia, the northern Pacific Ocean and the western United States. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow, that includes much of Asia, the Pacific and the western 2/3 of North America.

The annular path begins in southern China at 22:06 UT. Because the Moon passed through apogee one day earlier (May 19 at 16:14 UT), its large distance from Earth produces a wide path of annularity. Traveling eastward, the shadow quickly sweeps along the southern coast of Japan as the central line duration of annularity grows from 4.4 to 5.0 minutes.

Tokyo lies 10 kilometres north of the central line. For the over 10 million residents within the metropolitan area, the annular phase will last 5 minutes beginning at 22:32 UT (on May 21 local time). The annular ring is quite thick because the Moon’s apparent diameter is only 94% that of the Sun. Traveling with a velocity of 1.1 kilometres/second, the antumbral shadow leaves Japan and heads northeast across the Northern Pacific. The instant of greatest eclipse [1] occurs at 23:52:47 UT when the eclipse magnitude [2] reaches 0.9439. At that instant, the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 46 seconds, the path width is 237 kilometres and the Sun is 61° above the flat horizon formed by the open ocean read more…

NASA’s official site