Tag Archives: Ginger Kathrens

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Mining Threatens Three Wild Horse Herds
Mining Threatens Three Wild Horse Herds

Please Comment by April 17 on the Planning Expansion of the Gold Bar Mine.

Nevada wild horse herds threatened!

Dear Friends of our Wild Horses;

Comments for an Environmental Impact Statement are due April 17th, 2017 regarding the massive expansion of the Gold Bar Mine north of Eureka, Nevada.

If this expansion moves forward it will threaten three wild horse herds areas: Roberts Mountain, Fish Creek, and Whistler Herd Management Areas (HMAs).


Please take a few minutes and comment on this destructive mining project using your own words.

Here are a few key points we suggest you make to the Bureau of Land Management:

1. Open pit gold mining is the most destructive use of the land with little ability to mitigate the damage.
2. The project would expand to 44,000 acres or 62.5 square miles.
3. The project would consume approximately 2 billion gallons of water over a ten-year period, depleting both surface and ground water.
4. Nevada is the driest state in the Union.
5. Lack of water is regularly the reason BLM/Nevada gives for conducting emergency removals of wild horses from the range. 14 herds were zeroed out in 2009 based on the prediction of little available water!
6. Wild horses and other wildlife will suffer from the environmental destruction and lack of water. Sage Grouse occupy the area and are a species of critical environment concern.
7. The mining expansion is based on out-of-date mining plans from 1992.
8. Gold mining is highly speculative. The previous mine owners, Atlas Corporation, filed for bankruptcy and abandoned the land in an unreclaimed condition in 1999.


Read TCF full comments here: EISCommentsGoldBarMineNV

Send your comments to Christine Gabriel—Project Manager, Subject: DEIS MMI Gold Bar Mine Project
Email: blm_nv_bmdo_mlfo_gold_bar_project_eis@blm.gov. [copy and paste]

Thanks very much for helping our Nevada wild herds!!

Happy Trails!
Ginger Kathrens

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