Tag Archives: Icy Watermelon Sorbet

Las Vegas Buffet Club’s Icy Watermelon Sorbet

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Icy Watermelon Sorbet
Icy Watermelon Sorbet

I got the basic recipe for this Icy Sorbet from Carol Alt’s raw food cookbook. I embellished the recipe with a few new ingredients.


1/2 seedless watermelon
1/2 medium lime
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
dash of cayenne pepper
1 tsp. sugar-free, Raspberry Jell-O

– scoop out the pulp from the watermelon and puree in a blender or food processor until liquefied, retain the shell
– add the juice from the lime, orange juice, cinnamon, cayenne and Jell-O
– blend again, adding water if necessary
– pour into an ice-cube tray and freeze
– when the mixture is frozen, remove the cubes and place them in the blender
*blend until the “sorbet” has the consistency of a snow cone
– place in a pint deli-container or used ice-cream container and freeze

– remove the container and let stand, at room temperature, 20-30 minutes before you’re ready to serve; the mixture should have the consistency of slushy, snow cone ice.
– mix it up and place the icy-sorbet into the watermelon shell to serve or serve it in an ice-cream dish
*pulse the blender while pushing the cubes into the blade with a wooden spoon
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