Tag Archives: Montana

Death in the West

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Death in the West
Death in the West

From The NewYorker.com
“A century ago, Butte, Montana, a.k.a. Dashiell Hammett’s Poisonville, was the rowdy epicenter of American copper mining; these days, it’s a source of excellent local-history podcasts. “Richest Hill” alchemized a toxic-waste saga into riveting entertainment; the new, independently produced series “Death in the West” unspools the story of the murder of the martyred union organizer Frank Little—still regarded by many as a “recently passed comrade”—in 1917, when Butte was “a city tailor-made for conspiracy and mayhem.” Reported, written, and hosted by Chad and Zach Dundas and Erika and Leif Fredrickson, the series employs rigorous reporting, memorable details (a hook-handed gunman, a Prohibition-era speakeasy), and sophisticated sound design (cemetery crickets, archival interviews and songs), as well as local flavor: music by Montana bands, support from a record store and an ice-cream shop.”

— Sarah Larson

Here’s a link to the Death in the West podcast:

Here’s a link to my current favorite song which happens to be from from the podcast, “TUNE FOR T” by Caroline Keys.



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The Cloud Foundation
The Cloud Foundation

Story is from The Cloud Foundation
5 April 2012

Major Removal Threatens Cloud’s Pryor Herd
BLM expands removal plan for young Pryor Mustangs

BILLINGS, Mont. (April 5, 2012)—Yesterday, BLM issued their Decision Record to permanently remove up to 40 young Pryor mustangs from their home in the mountains of southern Montana. The bait-trapping operation would begin no earlier than June 4th and could continue until September 30th.

“Surprisingly, the removal decision exceeds the level they outlined in their preliminary Environmental Assessment,” states Ginger Kathrens, Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation. “Regardless of the nearly 10,000 comments sent to BLM requesting they proceed with caution, BLM has significantly increased the number of young horses to be removed. So much for listening to the wishes of the American Public.” read more...