Your NEW Moon Today – April 3, 2011:
Moon Phase 0%, Moonrise 6:06 A.M, Moonset 7:32 P.M. – Las Vegas, Nevada time.
From The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Moon Question of the Day
Why is there a crecent Moon cutout in outhouse doors?
“According to folklore, if a young woman sees a dove and glimpses the new Moon at the same instant, she should repeat: “Bright Moon, clear Moon, Bright and fair, Lift up your right foot, There’ll be a hair.” When she removes her shoe, she’ll find a hair the color of her future husband’s.” (Say what!)
“The Navajos, among others, believe that the full Moon’s pull on a woman’s amniotic fluids increases the chances of giving birth at this time. Some nurses and midwives claim the new Moon is also an active time for births.”