Eight police officers in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, have been killed in recent weeks
Authorities say cartels are responsible for killings
Banners threaten that an officer will be killed each day unless the police chief resigns
The chief — a former military officer — says he’s not stepping down
By Rafael Romo, Senior Latin American Affairs Editor
updated 6:55 PM EST, Thu February 2, 2012
(CNN) — Julian Juarez Baena, a police officer in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, had just finished his shift. It was just after 9 p.m. last Saturday, and he was driving home.
But the 35-year-old would never reach his destination. At an intersection near his home, he was ambushed and shot to death.
Investigators found 34 bullet casings at the scene. Juarez was found facing down with multiple bullet wounds in his head, chest and left side of his body.
His death made headlines in the Mexican city across the border from El Paso, Texas. Not only was the victim a police officer, but he was also the eighth member of the force to be murdered in two weeks.
In the weeks prior to Juarez’s death, banners had appeared in Ciudad Juarez threatening to kill one officer per day unless Police Chief Julian Leyzaola resigned. Leyzaola, some of the banners claimed, was only targeting members of one cartel while its rivals roamed free read more from CNN.Com…