Over the years, since the beginning of rock & roll – in the 50s, I’ve personally known people who are experts in the field. No one knows the business like Rollye James. Mention a few facts or whistle a tune and this dynamo will tell you the name of the song, who the artist is, who wrote it, who the musicians are, and she’ll name the label to boot. By the way MS James is also politically astute. These are the ingredients for cooking up a show for radio. And Rollye James is cooking again, on the air, one more time. She’s doing a 5-day podcast from her home-studio in Philadelphia: “Rollye revived her show, broadcasting weeknights 10pm – midnight via live stream / podcast on June 19, 2013.” “She hosted The Rollye James Show nationally and on international shortwave on WWCR from 2000 to 2011.” Although the show is broadcast live only two hours per day, the daily podcast can be accessed at any time through her website.
A cool factoid about this light-years-beyond-hip, attractive blonde is that she reportedly drove the entire Interstate system – Coast to Coast – alone in a Corvette. For the Denver folks, Rollye James was on KOA in the 80s.
From TuneIn.Com
“Paranoid to the max, Rollye holds a front row seat in the world of the Lunatic Fringe. The Rollye James Show is a strange brew of socialist panic, crackpot guests, devoted callers and music trivia. James tackles controversial and provocative issues and her loyal listeners can’t get enough of her intimate conversation. Rollye’s vampire lifestyle and unusual hobbies, such as driving the entire U.S. Interstate System, bring late night intrigue to Philadelphia’s talk radio audience. James vents her frustrations with “Republicrats” and “Demopublicans” by listening to obscure R&B oldies. The Rollye James Show is weird, wonderful and worth-it!”
The Rollye James show is: Politics, pop-culture, science, trivia, music and just talk, including the best bumper music on the planet: “In 2006, Wired Magazine cited The Rollye James Show as having “the best bumper music”. “In 2005, Philadelphia City Paper bestowed a similar award.”
Rollye James’ Official website
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Big News has just unfolded! Art Bell is Going Back on the Air on SiriusXM!
July 30, 2013 — jcrottyccrane
Mark your calendars for September 16th at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific) he will premiere on SiriusXM Radio channel 104 with his new show, “Art Bell’s Dark Matter.”