The following is a repost from About.Com
Zeke Quezada offers some good Las Vegas essential information.
Zeke’s Las Vegas Travel Blog
By Zeke Quezada, About.com Guide
What is the best hotel in Las Vegas? That is a question with no real right answer, but what is the best hotel in Las Vegas for you? That’s easier.
This Week’s Best Hotel in Las Vegas Pick: Caesars Palace Las Vegas
Yo[sic] have seen Caesars before, it’s been around forever, it was the example of a themed hotel before the volcano, the pirate ship or the Eiffel Tower. Caesars Palace is really a snapshot of Las Vegas over the past few decades and the one place in the center of the strip that seems to be ever expanding, ever changing and always keeping the idea of Las Vegas alive in your head.
Things to check out at Caesars Palace
The Frozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity 3
The Forum Shops
Wolfgang Puck’s Meatloaf at Spago
Matt Goss
The Garden of the Gods
Francois Payard and his ability to cook read more from Zeke including more “Best Hotels.”
Caesar’s Palace links on LasVegasBuffetClub.Com
Visit the main pages of LasVegasBuffetClub.Com