Fox 5 News – Las Vegas, Nevada
Posted: Jun 25, 2011 5:02 PM MDT
Updated: Jun 25, 2011 10:44 PM MDT
Posted By Ashley Kringen, Assignment Editor
A celebration of Michael Jackson’s life turned chaotic after a Metro officer was forced to shoot a pit-bull that chased after him, according to Officer Weiskopf.
Metro was called to 2710 Palomino Lane to regulate anxious patrons trying to bypass property gates to go inside Michael Jackson’s Las Vegas home.
After Metro made contact with some patrons, a group of individuals left on foot down Shetland road, a street that intersects with the 2700 block of Palomino Lane.
The officer that made contact with the individuals noticed that one of the patrons might have a warrant and started to follow the group down Shetland Road.
As the officer pursued the group, a black pit bull in a nearby yard started running towards the officer.
A gate separated the dog from the officer but somehow the dog forced itself through the gate and started after the officer.
The officer tried to retreat but the dog continued to gain speed, which forced the officer to release fire, hitting the dog.
Owners of the dog rushed their pet to the veterinarian to receive care.
Real Estate listing page for 2710 Palomino Lane
The Official Michael Jackson Website
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