Fox 5 News – Las Vegas, Nevada
Posted: Jun 25, 2011 5:02 PM MDT
Updated: Jun 25, 2011 10:44 PM MDT
Posted By Ashley Kringen, Assignment Editor
A celebration of Michael Jackson’s life turned chaotic after a Metro officer was forced to shoot a pit-bull that chased after him, according to Officer Weiskopf.
Metro was called to 2710 Palomino Lane to regulate anxious patrons trying to bypass property gates to go inside Michael Jackson’s Las Vegas home.
After Metro made contact with some patrons, a group of individuals left on foot down Shetland road, a street that intersects with the 2700 block of Palomino Lane.
The officer that made contact with the individuals noticed that one of the patrons might have a warrant and started to follow the group down Shetland Road.
As the officer pursued the group, a black pit bull in a nearby yard started running towards the officer.
A gate separated the dog from the officer but somehow the dog forced itself through the gate and started after the officer.
The officer tried to retreat but the dog continued to gain speed, which forced the officer to release fire, hitting the dog.
Owners of the dog rushed their pet to the veterinarian to receive care.
“With roundup season starting up again, it is imperative, now more than ever, that we all raise our voices in support of our wild horses and burros. BLM is still soliciting comments for their planned roundup in Divide Basin, a larger herd in southern Wyoming near Rock Springs. We ask that you submit your own comments regarding the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Divide Basin Herd Management Area (HMA). There are gross inadequacies and faulty data utilized in the scope of this EA which will come as no surprise. What is a bit more surprising is the rush to create a non-reproducing herd as an alternative, which is what they want to do to in White Mountain and Little Colorado! If a roundup is conducted this summer, the herd will be reduced to only 415 horses on over 700,000 acres with many of these horses being non-reproducers! The Cloud Foundation’s comments for this EA are available online here. Read on for a sample format!”
Comments need to be submitted by Monday, June 20th, no later than the close of business at 4:30 PM Mountain Time. Comments can be submitted via mail at:
Divide Basin EA Comments
BLM Rock Springs Field Office
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, WY 82901
or via email at: – With “Divide Basin EA Comments” in the subject line.
REMEMBER: Please be sure to use your own words when writing your comments!
Subject: White Mountain/Little Colorado Environmental Assessment Comments
Dear Sir;
I do not support the removal of horses from the Great Divide Basin Herd Management Areas and encourage you to select the No Action Alternative. Concluding that only 415 horses can live on this legal Wild Horse Herd Management Area, even though they roam on over 778,000 acres of public lands is truly unacceptable and unfair to the mustangs still living free, and to those of us who would one day like to see them in their natural environment in Wyoming. The idea of including an Alternative that allows for this herd to become a non-reproducing population is also unacceptable as well as dangerous for the horses and costly for those of us who pay your salaries.
I ask that you issue a new EA containing up-to-date, factual, realistic statistics with no discrepancies in acreage, census data, and reproduction rates before making a decision.
When you write your own letter, be sure to include some of the following points:
Increase the appropriate management levels (AMLs) and allocate a fair share of forage to wild horses over livestock.
BLM needs to address the clearly erroneous data they present for population stats
BLM statistics for FY2009 report there were 498 horses in the HMA, and the EA maintains that after a survey in April 2010 that the population was 1,004. This would mean that every horse, including stallions, gave birth and no deaths occurred
Using their 20% reproduction rate, a more accurate number of horses in 2011 would be 862 animals, not their estimated 1,640
Strongly urge the BLM to eliminate ‘Alternative D,’which would allow every horse to be rounded up and those slated for release would be spayed or gelded, resulting in a dead-end herd that would die out over time – very costly and dangerous for the mares and stallions.
Consider predator management as a viable population growth
Point out that taxpayers could save almost $500,000 in contractor fees as well as millions more from holding costs by not conducting this roundup!
Allow for a truly genetically viable herd with a 50/50 sex ratio
Protest the cruelty of removing old horses!
[Your name]
Weather permitting, this might be one of Denver’s best Father’s Day dinner-tickets.
El Noa Noa’s patio on Santa Fe Drive is one of the best places to dine Sunday evenings in Denver. Replete with a large fountain, trees and umbrellas for shade, *fine musicians on stage, cocktails, excellent Mexican food and even a few chirping birds playing and bathing on the fountain, one can’t go wrong visiting El Noa Noa this coming Father’s Day – June 19, 2011, or any other summer Sunday. If you are Dracula or one of his ilk and can’t stand the sun there’s also an indoor dining-room and a small bar.
Just like dining at an outdoor restaurant deep in Mexico, you’ll feel like you’re on vacation – South of the Border.
Have a couple of house Margs or beers and a plate of sizzling Fajitas ($14.50,) throw a finn at the Musicians and kick back for a night of relaxation. You too can feel just like Hemingway.
*Smooth Jazz, Mariachi or Peruvian Sounds – performed by serious musicians. Call ahead to find out which music-genre/group will be on stage.
The Moon will be 100% Full – Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 01:13:36 pm, Las Vegas time.
From Western Washington University
“American Indians gave names to each of the full moons to keep track of the passing year. The names are associated with the entire month until the next full moon occurs. Since a lunar month averages 29 days, the dates of the moons change from year to year. Here are titles most closely associated with calendar months.” Two Native tribes are mentioned here – click the WWU link to access more information.
Choctaw – Southeast: Mississippi, Louisiana
From ChoctawNation.Com
“For hundreds of years before Europeans came to the United States, the Choctaw Nation was a tribe of farmers who lived in what is now the s[sic]outheastern U.S. until the federal government forcibly removed most tribal members in 1830 to Southeastern Oklahoma in what became known as the “Trail of Tears.” Tribal members have overcome diversity to grow to nearly 200,000 strong, the country’s third largest tribe. The tribe’s growing business enterprises have allowed it to work to improve the lives of tribal members who have a rich tradition of serving in the military (see Code Talkers) serving their community and the State of Oklahoma.”
Native Woman
According to Western Washington University the Choctaw word for June’s Moon is: “kvco-hvsee” – “blackberry moon.”
Comanche -Southern Plains
“The Comanche are a Native American ethnic group whose historic range (the Comancheria) consisted of present-day eastern New Mexico, southern Colorado, northeastern Arizona, southern Kansas, all of Oklahoma, and most of northwest Texas. The Comanches were hunter-gatherers, with a typical Plains Indian culture, including the horse. There may have been as many as 45,000 Comanches in the late 18th century.[2]
Today, the Comanche Nation consists of 14,700 members (2010 enrollment figures),[1] about half of whom live in Oklahoma. The remainder are concentrated in Texas, California, and New Mexico. The tribe is headquartered in Lawton, Oklahoma. The Comanche speak the Comanche language, a Numic language of the Uto-Aztecan family, sometimes classified as a Shoshone dialect.” read more from WIKI
According to Western Washington University the Comanche name for June’s Moon is: “puhi mua” or “leaf moon.” Comanche... The Lords of the Plains. shot by Cherrilyn Silva
From The Old Farmer’s Almanac
“Historically, the Native Americans who lived in the area that is now the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to the recurring full Moons.”
“Each full Moon name was applied to the entire month in which it occurred. These names, and some variations, were used by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior.”
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, June’s Moon is: The Full Strawberry Moon – “The Algonquin tribes knew this Moon as a time to gather ripening strawberries. It is also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon.”
From FullMoon.Info
“Full moon will be on Wednesday (or Thursday for certain time zones) and simultaneously there will be a total lunar eclipse. [read paragraph below – eclipse will not be visible in the US] In the early days, this event used to be a greatly feared event, because the darkening of light was interpreted as the end of the world. We may smile about this today, but if we look at the hysteria around the year of 2012 and the misinterpretations of the Maya calendars (or the movies from Hollywood about the apocalypse) not much appears to have changed. Fear is a lucrative business. Let’s reflect instead on our responsibility that we carry for our wonderful Earth and let us use the force of love in our hearts for creating a future that is worth living for.”
Spaniard Luis Buñuel collaborated with Salvador Dali in the 1920s making one of my all-time favorite films, “Un Chien Andalou.” Teen boys will love the eyeball scene in which an apparent human eyeball is slit with a straight-edge razor. Un chien andalou
Both Buñuel and Dali show up again in one of my new favorite films: Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris,” this time as themselves. This is perhaps the best film of it’s type since “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.” They show up in the clubs and salons drinking with Earnest Hemmingway, F Scott & Zelda, Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Joséphine Baker, T.S. Elliot, Gertrude Stein and many of the names you’ve read about in art/literature history classes – about Paris in the 20s.
Owen Wilson is perfect as a Hollywood writer on holiday in Paris with his soon-to-be and her parents. Like Alice through the Looking Glass, Wilson somehow steps through time and finds himself – not in modern Paris but Paris in The Golden Age, 1920s – 30s. A Grand-automobile stops to pick him up after a night of drinking and motors him to a club where he meets those great artists and writers.
Adrian Brody kills as Dali and Marian Cotillard is beautifully magnetic and believable as Adriana, Picasso’s lover. The gangs all here: Gertrude Stein (No one but Kathy Bates could have been cast for the role of Gertrude Stein,) Alice B. Toklas, Ernest Hemingway, Cole Porter, Matisse, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, TS Elliot, Gauguin, Man Ray, Degas on and on. Olivier Rabourdin as Paul Gauguin and Corey Stoll as Ernest Hemingway bring a sense of vintage-style and richness to the film. What in the hell does that mean?
The night scenes are also rich and luscious like the afore-mentioned, “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.”
Some of the daylight clips seem to be washed-out. Can’t imagine the woodster effing-up. Maybe he had a reason. The only other negative thing about this movie is that it’s too short – 100 minutes.
Here’s a YouTube of THE SCENE from Un Chien Andalou – The original “shock” movie.
The author of this story is not a journalist, just a plain joe with an opinion.
The radio woke me up after I fell asleep listening to the all night coast to coast show. Morning talker Peter Boyles was yapping about the newest (part two of the latest ) Denver Sex Scandal. It’s reported that the current sex business includes a leading mayoral candidate, lawyers, a district attorney as well as so-called business/community leaders of the Denver area.
The following is compiled from hearsay and information from printed text, from a couple of sources. It’s a synopsis gleaned the past three days from the radio, the pages of Westword.Com and KHOW.Com.
Since the following is politically tainted it very well could be a political hit-job. In other words the story could be totally fabricated in order to affect the outcome of a mayoral election. Keep in mind that politicians generally don’t have a working ethical-compass like artists, carpenters, doctors/scientists, electricians, musicians and the like.
“MAYORAL CANDIDATE HANCOCK LINKED TO PROSTITUTION RING” – from KHOW.Com radio Several years ago Denver Judge Edward Nottingham was accused of involvement in a prostitution sting. He resigned his gavel amid accusations that a prostitute *”claims he asked her to lie to investigators and hide[sic] that he paid her for sex.” Seems that one of the call-girls from the same or similar prostitution ring dropped a dime on Denver Mayoral candidate Michael Hancock after recognizing him in the media. The exact date is unclear. The mayors race will be decided very soon – today June 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM Mountain Time. Hancock is expected to win. The leading opposition candidate – Chris Romer – is the son of former Colorado Governor, Roy Romer – whom after leaving Colorado went on to become superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Printed records indicate that Hancock’s personal phone number and name turned up on a journal page along with information that he paid $275.00 for services, more than once. Hancock was a councilman at the time. These records can be accessed here
If Hancock wins this election and these allegations are proven, Denver is going to be in deep Kim Chi to use a well-worn phrase.
Let me say that this is not about trying to nail Hancock. He appears to be a good guy. In fact I would say that he appears to be a really good guy. Also I don’t have a problem with hookers per say. The real crimes here are the crimes of the better-than-thou lawmakers breaking the law. Doesn’t this sort of thing promulgate anarchy. Doesn’t it create anger and mistrust in the community.
I agree with the morning talkers that the double-standard is in overdrive here (my words.) When the legal bitches – and I don’t necessarily mean females – went after the Denver Johns (This was a prostitution sting that focused on poor working class “johns” that were hooking up with street hookers for a few bucks – their names and photos were routinely published on a television program called Johns TV.) nothing was covered up, nothing was glossed over. The Denver Johns were mostly poor, minority dudes. How come the main media is not publishing the names and photos of the so-called stellar community leaders? Huhh! C’mon Denver Post, radio and TV news stations, publish the damn names and photos. Let it fly… Whether or not Hancock is involved, shine a light on these hypocrites. I for one am not holding my breath. Keep in mind that these lawmakers jail and fine offenders for the same “crimes” that they are guilty of. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
This same double standard has been going on for years and years. The old-boy club’s rules have been in effect for years and years. How DEEP is the cover-up. Why don’t YOU find out – and demand that the names and photos be published.
I was in Patsy’s last night. I was in a need-to-be-in-Patsy’s mood so I drove to Patsy’s Italian Restaurant on Denver’s North-side. Years ago South-sider’s referred to the Northwest part of Denver as West Denver, but who’s counting. Huhh?
Entering the restaurant is like stepping into a time-machine back to the gay 20s. Uhh, not that one.Enter the restaurant through Patsy's bar area.
Photo from Patsy's
The excellent photo – originally from Patsy’s site and snipped – above, is from a site who’s authors weren’t that crazy about the food. At least they agree with me that the restaurant looks like an authentic movie set, it is…authentic. Better then a movie set, it’s the real thing.
The restaurant has been around since 1921 or something like that, and it looks like it. Patronizing Patsy’s is like eating and drinking in an antique – not an antique-store, an antique. And I like that. The bar is boot-leg cozy with an old varnished wooden surface behind a half-round arm-rest, spinner-stools with red-vinyl (?) tops and mirrored back-bar. Don’t know if it’s true, but I heard that the name came about – changed to Patsy’s – after WWll when Italians weren’t exactly on America’s A-list and, well, Patsy’s sounds Irish, so… I also heard that the original owner, Chubby Aiello, referred to Mussolini as “Hitler’s patsy” so the restaurant was therefore named Patsy’s – as a patriotic gesture… Like the Kennedy Assassination, Roswell, Osama and so on and so forth, we’ll never know, so ask someone if you have a need to know.
Patsy’s pipes in appropriate period/style background music. The music savvy tech-guy went to Hollywood High, so says he. He does have excellent and thoughtful play-lists.
About the food, I think “those chicks” are accustomed to a different set of taste sensations. I am completely satisfied when I dine on the big, fat, home-made noodles with Patsy’s garlicky, red-sauce, a couple of balls, bread, salad and a glass of a solid red. Deal me in baby. What – you were expecting a piece on military-artillery. Not going to happen here.
The word cozy comes up again when mentioning the restaurant booths. Easy-in, hard-out. Easing into the booths, your eyes catch a glimpse of the little shaded light on the wall behind the booth. It sooths. It isn’t an expletive high-school classroom with mind-scratching fluorescent lighting.
Patsy's main dinning area
“Patsy’s was named one of the 10 “Reasons to Return” to Denver by 10Best Inc.
And here she is…
Patsy's Italian Restaurant
Patsy’s Italian Restaurant
3651 Navajo Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 477-8910
Navajo Street Art District
Patsy’s is the anchor for about a half-dozen art galleries within a block or so. There’s even a little theater. The area is called The Navajo Street Art District.
First Fridays of each month feature the First Friday Art Walk: The galleries do an open-house with cheese and wine thing from around 5:00 PM until around 9:00 PM. Actually that would be tonight – June 3, 2011. The art ranges from primitive-barely-art art to sophisticated, luxurious oils. There is some avant-guard, edgy stuff. Be sure to check out D-Gallery on 36th and Navajo. It’s a great way to spend a Friday night in Denver. Do cocktails and dinner at Patsy’s then stroll the galleries for a couple of hours, and buy some art. Support your local artist. Even if he/she’s from Brooklyn, New York.