c.2010 LasVegasBuffetClub
The Moon will be 100% full June 26, 2010 at 4:31 A.M. Las Vegas time.
From Western Washington University:
“American Indians gave names to each of the full moons to keep track of the passing year. The names are associated with the entire month until the next full moon occurs. Since a lunar month averages 29 days, the dates of the moons change from year to year. Here are titles most closely associated with calendar months.”
Back East
In the Algonquin (Northeast to Great Lakes) language the name for the June full moon is: “twowa kesos” or “when they hill indian corn.”
Out West
In the Zuni (Southwest, New Mexico) language the name for June’s full moon is: “ik’ohbu yachunne” or “turning moon.”
Access the WWU website for Native full moon names and other infromation
“The full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are located on opposite sides of the Earth. In this situation, the face of the Moon visible from the Earth is completely illuminated by the Sun. More specifically, the full moon occurs when the geocentric apparent longitudes of the Sun and the Moon are 180 degrees apart. This is a fancy way of saying that the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the sky.”
read more interesting moon facts from Universe Today
Partial Lunar Eclipse Coming On June 26 by Joe Rao
“Two weeks before a total eclipse of the sun crosses over the South Pacific Ocean, the moon will put on a sky show of its own — a partial lunar eclipse on June 26 that should be visible from parts of North America, weather permitting.”
“The lunar eclipse will occur in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 26 as the moon crosses through the southern portion of Earth’s shadow in the constellation Sagittarius. At least some of this interesting event will be visible from western and central North America” read more from Space.Com
More eclipse information from TheSpiritualEclectic.Com
“It’s Eclipse Week here at The Spiritual Eclectic, so watch for more articles this week on how this eclipse will affect you.”
But first, the basics.
Time and Date:
June 26, 2010; 6:31 AM Central (here in NW Florida) more from TheSpiritualEclectic.Com
*Adobe Moon In The City Poster available for purchase.